Assault on Doomrock (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Rating: 6.18
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.22
Players: 1 to 4
Published: 2014
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edition of Assault on Doomrock Board Game. Includes the Second Edition core game (Indiegogo promo cards have been incorporated into the main game) PLUS a promotional adventure board from the Polish crowdfunding campaign. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
Kickstarter Edition Includes:
⚫ 1x Core Game
💥 2x Stoneskin Potion: Artifact. Consumable. Consume during roll phase: Gain 4 Shield tokens.
💥 2x Black Hole Potion: Artifact. Consumable. Consume: Move all characters from up to two groups to a new group.
💥 2x Hammer of Doom: Weapon. 2-Hand. Use: +1 damage to one of the targets of an attack. Use: Ignore 1 armor during a melee attack. Requires: 1 Str
💥 1x Uncomfortable Armor: Armor. Gain an expose marker at the start of round. Use: Push yourself.
✊ 1x Epic Item – Bloodstone Necklace: Artifact. Use: When a hero suffers HP loss, you suffer all of that HP loss instead and gain 1 Heroism token.
✊ 1x Epic Item – Ear Necklace: Artifact. – Whenever a hero is reduced to or below 1 HP, gain a secret marker on this item. Use: Spend all secret markers from this card to gain twice that many heroism markers. Requires: 1 Agi, 1 Str
Assault on Doomrock is a co-operative adventure game set in a humorous fantasy world. Players start the adventure by generating random heroes from two cards. Combinations like sadistic paladin, stinky warrior, frustrated mage or impatient rogue are only few of the possibilities.
The unique party of heroes will venture forth into a randomly assembled world map. While gaining crazy abilities, and searching for gold and ridiculous items, heroes must face three increasingly difficult encounters. These battles play out in a grid-free, highly tactical battle system that uses character positioning, dice and ability cards.
The goal of the game is to defeat the third epic boss encounter. In order to do that, heroes must carefully exploit the map to grow as powerful as possible before they run out of time.
Feature highlights:
💥 Fully cooperative board game, with card driven artificial intelligence.
💥 Variable heroes and scenarios, generated from over 300 cards.
💥 Grid-free, highly tactical battle system, with dice allocation planning phase.
💥 Fully randomized adventure on the world map, with quests, events, shops and rewarding exploration.
💥 6 Heroes with 8 random traits. 74 unique ability cards. 70 item rewards.
💥 9 possible battle encounters, each with their unique artificial intelligence deck, which gives over 30 battle encounter combinations.
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