Deep Madness: Rise of Dagon Expansion (Kickstarter Special)
Players: 1 to 4
Published: 2018
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edition of Rise of Dagon Expansion for Deep Madness. Includes Rise of Dagon Expansion plus Kickstarter Exclusive figure “Ward Phillips.” Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
Deep inside the mine, the investigators have stumbled across something sinister. They have previously encountered fear embodied. They have stared into the depths of madness. They have even fought against a madman who sought to dominate their psyches. But how will they be able to defeat a demon born out of the darkness infesting their own souls?
Dagon is coming. And he is not rising from the sea: he is rising from the filth inside your own mind. This is Rise of Dagon, a new expansion for Deep Madness.
Detailed Contents:
💥 1 Storybook, 3 Scenario boards, and 5 room tiles
💥 12 Deep One miniatures
💥 5 Hydra miniatures
💥 6 Shadow of Filth miniatures with colored bases
💥 Dagon epic monster miniature
💥 Regan Waite Cultist investigator miniature
💥 Meredith Waite Executive investigator miniature
💥 Dashboards & over 100 cards
💥 Ward Phillips Novelist Kickstarter-exclusive miniature
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