Anthelion: Conclave of Power Plus Androids Expansion Bundle (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.77
Players: 2 to 2
Published: 2019
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edition of Anthelion by Button Shy Games. Includes core game, Androids Expansion, and all unlocked stretch goals. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
The sun is setting on one of the most devastating battles the Pocket Universe has ever seen. After years of fighting, it is becoming clear that this war will not be won on the strength of military victories alone. The leaders of the Dynasty and the Liberation turn their attention to some of the most influential figures in the galaxy to strengthen their cause.
Who will be able to consolidate their power, gain new allies, and turn old foes to their side? Who can form a powerful Conclave to gain control of the Universe?
Anthelion: Conclave of Power builds on the foundation one of our most successful wallet games, the two-player influence manipulation game Avignon: A Clash of Popes. Players will use the special abilities of the locations and characters in their characters to their side of the table (their Conclave), or push unwanted characters to their opponent. The player that can amass 10 points of influence-regardless of the factions the characters served-will be declared the winner.
Players will choose a side, Liberation or Dynasty. That determines the side of the map that you are pulling towards, as well as the planet base (also known as the threshold) that you will use in the game.
The remaining planets are placed in the center of the planet. 5 characters are dealt with at the neutral planet. You will try to pull them towards your conclave to gain points.
While you are a leader of the Liberation or Dynasty, you are not required to collect a united faction of characters. You may find Liberation, Dynasty or Rogue characters that will work very well together.
Petitions are found on characters and planets. These actions will move characters throughout the universe.
These characters are worth winning points, and they can also provide resources. Resources are only available when your character is in your conclave.
The sun is setting on one of the most devastating battles the Pocket Universe has ever seen. After years of fighting, it is becoming clear that this war will not be won on the strength of military victories alone. The leaders of the Dynasty and the Liberation turn their attention to some of the most influential figures in the galaxy to strengthen their cause. Who will be able to consolidate their power, gain new allies, and turn old foes to their side? Who can form a Conclave powerful enough to gain control of the Universe? Anthelion is a game for 2 players who choose two unique special character abilities on their turn to manipulate the locations of the characters in play. Players seek to pull characters from all factions, good, evil and neutral to their side of the table (their Conclave), or push unwanted characters to their opponent. The player that can amass ten points of influence by getting enough characters to cross all the way to their side of the table will be declared the winner.
–from the publisher
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