Dark Dealings: Dark Lords Defending Against Pesky Heroes (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Rating: 5.77
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 6.85
Players: 1 to 6
Published: 2016
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edition “Deluxe & Dark Dealings” Pledge Level of Dark Lords Defending Against Pesky Heroes Board Game. Includes core game plus all stretch goals including the Overlords game expansion Pack: ONE Copy of Dark Dealings Dastardly Dragons game expansion pack Illusionist Hero Pack Interactive Defenses Pack Overlord Add-on game expansion Pack. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
For Overlords of evil, doom, and sorrow, life is not fair. The local races, hackneyed halflings and dullard dwarves, fail to appreciate the time and toil that goes into perverting the laws of nature and defying death itself.
And now, after a few singed villages and poisoned wells, the locals are coming for you and your magical brethren. Stout Heroes of the land, mighty warriors and dexterous thieves, pious paladins and wily wizards, have banded together to bust down your gates and evict you from your dark castle.
Luckily, you are in contact with Dark Masters, beings man was not meant to know. They are ready to provide you dastardly traps, potent spells, and decaying corpses for reanimation, if you can demonstrate your bravery by facing the toughest Heroes.
Now it’s a competition to see which Overlord can withstand the siege. Well… you never liked your neighbors that much anyway.
Dark Dealings is a quick drafting and combat game for 1-6 players. You first draft Heroes, then use them to bid for the Defenses that will eventually be their downfall. Players then take turns flipping and fighting their previously drafted Heroes. The last Overlord standing is the winner!
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