Hoplomachus: Origins (Retail Edition)
Board Game Geek Rating: 6.03
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.85
Players: 1 to 2
Published: 2020
Content Notes: Retail Edition of Hoplomachus: Origins Board Game by Chip Theory Games. Includes core Hoplomachus: Origins Board Game.
Hoplomachus: Origins takes you back to where the story begins, within the small battle arenas of 3 unique civilizations. You will represent one of the warrior houses found in these cities and will be battling for the right to represent your entire civilization in Rome. Quick fights, 3 exotic arenas, and competitive drafting of unique warriors, are what set Origins apart from our other 2 games in the series. Of course, it wouldn’t be Hoplo if you weren’t playing with premium 11.5 gram chips, neoprene mats, and custom dice!
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