Kingdom Death Monster: Goth Amy, the Unraveling Zombicide Crossover (Kickstarter Pre-Order Special)
Preorder: Expected Delivery 2025-06-30
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 5.50
Players: 1 to 6
Published: 2024
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edition of Goth Amy, the Unraveling – Zombicide Crossover. Requires Kingdom Death Monster core game to play (sold separately).
1 Goth Amy Miniature,
1 Goth Amy Small Booklet,
Story Events (est 1-2),
1 Unique Base Insert,
1 Psychopath Philosophy,
1 Secret Fighting Art, and
3 Gear Cards
The ultimate survivor, Goth Amy always narrowly escapes death.
She endured the great fall, scrambling in mid-air over plummeting, screaming survivors to land on top of the less fortunate broken bodies below.
She escaped the Dark Seamstress, stealing a blade and chopping off its grasping hand. Amy found several stubbed bracelet trophies wrapped around its stump.
Even as she awoke falling to her doom, Goth Amy felt an inkling that she belongs. Casting aside fear and compassion, she relished a place where the last threads of her humanity could be cast aside with glee.
Amy is classified as a “Wanderer” which is a new campaign-related system introduced in the Advanced KDM rulebook.
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