Kingdom Rush: Elemental Uprising Elemenace Hoard Gameplay All-In Pledge Bundle (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 8.26
Players: 1 to 4
Published: 2022
Content Notes: Kickstarter Kingdom Rush: Elemenace Hoard Gameplay All-In Pledge for The Elemental Uprising Board Game by Lucky Duck Games. Includes base game, Dark Elf Slayer Expansion, Gnomish Gnonsense Expansion, More Than Shadows Expansion, Elemenace Chest (for storing all gameplay content), and all other unlocked stretch goals. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
Kingdom Rush: Elemental Uprising is a fully co-operative standalone board game for 1 to 4 players that offers the ultimate tower-defense experience for the tabletop.
Players take on the roles of asymmetrical heroes defending their kingdom against waves of incoming monster hordes. Players play towers to attack hordes, using polyomino tiles to cover monsters until all monsters in a horde are covered, destroying it. Players will earn crystals and gold which can be spent on buying new towers or Tower Modifications to improve and customize their existing towers.
Monsters come with a range of special abilities that players will have to plan around, passing towers between each other, and positioning attacks to get around magic shields and monster powers. The heroes will also be confronted with game-changing events and elemental disruptions such as volcanoes and cyclones.
The game is scenario-based and can be played as individual re-playable scenarios or as a steadily evolving campaign leading up to big boss fights, hero challenges, and more.
Kingdom Rush offers simple to learn rules with a high level of tactics for experienced gamers. Upon starting each scenario, players will be able to choose from a range of difficulty levels or even take on the dreaded Iron Challenges which require near-perfect strategies to overcome.
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-from the publisher
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