Merchants Cove: Plus Secret Stash Expansion Bundle (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 8.3
Players: 1 to 4
Published: 2020
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edition of Merchants Cove by Final Frontier Games. Includes Merchants Cove core game, The Secret Stash Expansion, and all applicable Stretch goals. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
In Merchants There is one way to play the most efficient shop.
As players spend hours performing tasks and moving up the clock, they will also be influencing a dynamic market. It might be tempting to rush ahead and have a closer look at the markets-but the trade-off is that you can not get enough to meet your demands for your goods!
In Merchants Cove, the role of the merchants is to understandably interact with them.
Any merchant can play against any other merchant at any player count (including solo mode)!
Welcome ashore to Merchants Cove! In this highly asymmetric Euro game, each player takes control of a completely different fantasy merchant such as the Alchemist, the Captain, the Time Traveler and the Blacksmith.
Using a unique set of role specific components and gameplay mechanics, each merchant will compete to satisfy the demands of the bold adventurers who arrive each day to spend their hard earned coin at the famous market piers.
An exciting time resource mechanism will challenge each player to balance control over the customers and market, versus running a highly efficient, goods-producing shop!
As players spend hours performing tasks and moving up the Clock, they will also be watching and influencing a dynamic market base that evolves as boats fill with customers and piers fill with boats. It might be tempting to rush ahead to and influence which customers visit the market and where they shop, but that might leave you with less time to respond to their demands.
On the other hand, you might want to stay back, operating on more information about the market and taking extra time (and maybe corruption) to squeeze the most efficiency out of your day as possible.
By selecting a different Merchant, or a different Rogue card, set of Townsfolk cards, or other content, you can customize the way you play. Each merchant offers a completely unique gameplay experience and is fully compatible with every other merchant. With so many options, you can enjoy a deeply replayable system that is sure to be different every time you play it.
–From the publisher
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