OGRE [Sixth Version] (Retail Edition)
Board Game Geek Rating: 6.47
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 6.97
Players: 1 to 3
Published: 2017
Content Notes: Retail Edition of OGRE (Sixth Edition) Board Game.
OGRE and its sequel G.E.V., are tactical ground combat games set in the not-so-distant future. In 2085 A.D., armored warfare continues – faster and deadlier than ever. Hovercraft, tanks and infantry slug it out with tactical nuclear devices. But the most feared weapon of all needs no human guidance. It’s a giant cybernetic tank called the OGRE.
The basic OGRE game gives one player a force of infantry and armor, and a command post he must defend. The other player has only one unit – but it’s an OGRE. It’s an even match. Advanced games allow solitaire or multi-player action, with OGREs on both sides.
Microgame #1 in the Metagaming Microgames series, and the original release of Ogre. Origin of the Ogre/GEV Family.
This is an entry on RPGG:
GURPS Ogre includes character and vehicle descriptions, a future timeline, a discussion of the world of the Ogres, and the Armor Unit Combat System, a quick way to resolve battles involving player characters and get back to the roleplaying!
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