Rome & Roll: Core Game Plus Stretch Goals (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 6.2
Players: 1 to 4
Published: 2020
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edition of Rome & Roll Board Game by PSC Games. Includes core game, Kickstarter Exclusive Minis (Proconsul, Legatus, Mercatus, Patricius, Prefect, Nobilis, Pontifex, Artifitrix), KS Exclusive Plastic Miniatures for Overseer in Four Player Colors, set of 4 extra dry erase pens, and all unlocked stretch goals. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
🔥 Core game,
🔥 KS Exclusive Proconsul Mini,
🔥 KS Exclusive Legatus Mini,
🔥 KS Exclusive Mercatus Mini,
🔥 KS Exclusive Patricius Mini,
🔥 KS Exclusive Prefect Mini,
🔥 KS Exclusive Nobilis Mini,
🔥 KS Exclusive Pontifex Mini,
🔥 KS Exclusive Artifitrix Mini,
🔥 KS Exclusive Plastic Miniatures for Overseer in Four Player Colors,
🔥 Set of 4 extra dry erase pens, and
🔥 All unlocked stretch goals.
Rome & Roll is a heavy roll-and-write board game by DÁvid Turczi and Nick Shaw in which 1-4 players compete to craft an empire. Draft from a pool of custom dice to collect resources, construct the town, and organize armies. Political alliances, the colonies, and even the Gods all have a part to play. Imperii Gloria!.
• Draft the dice to match your needs: roll, draw, and win!
• Play one of seven unique character classes, ranging from merchants to military leaders, with a wealth of different strategies to deploy.
• Take advantage of four possible scoring avenues: construct buildings, trade resources, conquer unruly colonies, and renovate the Roman road network.
• Make political alliances and call on the Gods.
• Raise armies and invade settlements as far afield as Egypt and Spain.
• Build roads and manage unruly provinces.
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