Thiefdom: Core Game (Kickstarter Pre-Order Special)
Preorder: Expected Delivery 2025-06-30
Players: 1 to 4
Published: 2024
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edition of Thiefdom: Core Board Game by Karma Games. Includes core game and all applicable unlocked stretch goals. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
In Thiefdom players represent competing thief guilds who rob from the rich medieval town called Bacharach to declare the most skillful thief guild. It is a strategic, interactive and thematic pickup & delivery game for 1-4 players who each control three thief figures and try to avoid the four city guards who try to bust any thief they run into.
The city guards are controlled by all players and they do limit how freely the thieves can move around the town. The thieves need to circumvent the city guards and may also skillfully use equipment like grapples, climbing tools or smoking bombs to avert detention. In case of a detention a thief figure loses all their loot and some victory points.
The game is played over 6 nights (rounds) and the player with the most victory points is declared the winner.
One night contains:
1) Planning Phase: All players simultaneously plan the order in which they want to move their three thief figures and the neutral figures they control that night (city guards, carriage, citizens). Then they reveal at the same time.
2) Action Phase (Night): The players make actions in the predefined order from the planning phase.
3) Administration Phase (Day): Cleanup and preparation for the next night
The town setup includes 8 modular and double-printed town quarters, resulting in a unique pickup & delivery puzzle in each game. There are 12 different equipment thieves can buy to gain new abilities and they can befriend 36 unique guest cards in the tavern to get unique support.
–from the publisher
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